Albert G. Saldana, 58 years old, of Westmont, Illinois passed away Monday August 26th, 2024. Albert was the loving and cherished boyfriend of 20+ years to April Peterman. Preceded in death by Sam and Shirley Basalone. Survived by many other brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews and his favorite grandma Beula Carrie. Beloved by so many others in the area and well known at the local taverns by all. He was a dear friend and familiar face to so many. Some knew him as Al and others knew him as Getlow. Everyone knew him as a Marine, and he made sure of that. He was passionate about his bears and even more about his fantasy leagues. In his freetime Al enjoyed playing softball, including managing and starting an Uptown team. He loved his cars, and loved taking them to the Westmont car shows. He would go on 60+ mile bike rides and get lost, or too far out to make it back without getting a ride. He was a Marine, brother, and friend, missed by all and gone too soon. Memorial Visitation Saturday Septembe r21, 2024 10 A.M. – 1 P.M. at Cappetta’s West Suburban Funeral Home 39 N. Cass Ave, Westmont. Info 630-852-8000 or

Albert G. Saldana
VISITATION: September 21, 2024
Day: Saturday
Time: 10-1 P.M.
Location: Cappetta’s West Suburban Funeral Home
39 N. Cass Ave., Westmont, IL 60559 630-852-8000
Al’s hugs were as big as his smile. Always the life of the party, Al loved to entertain and was a gracious host. He left many great memories like the hilarious halloween costumes, his famous “giant meatballs” and fun weekends in Indiana. Laughter was a priorty. AL will be greatly missed by all who knew him.
I met Al through my late wife, Candy Oshell Poole. Even after she passed he would always make a point to say hello. He was a great Man. I’m so sorry for your loss.